Hello all.
This is my blog. I will try not to inundate all of you with the weekly progress of my baby bump, post about the color and shape of my daily bowel movements, write meandering diatribes on my very repetitive and pedestrian (yet still very Freudian) dreams or upload endless pictures of my fourteen children. Really, I make no promises as far as content. One thing that pretty much everyone on the internet struggles with is sharing too much of themselves. Daily perusings of your Facebook feed will attest to this fact. We all feel alone in this world. The internet makes us temporarily feel less alone. Really, it makes us simultaneously connected but alienated (all the while making us extraordinarily unhappy). And mostly, it keeps us from being in the moment. And being in the moment is what life is really about. Every time you get bored in public and open up the browser on your smart phone, every time you think about a past event or a potential future happiness when you're having a conversation with someone, every time you watch another episode of Downton Abbey instead of going out and actually participating in the world, put a penny in a jar. Then count those pennies over the course of a week. Guess what? You'll have a lot of pennies. Maybe enough for a pizza party with friends. Maybe enough for a trip to Bermuda, who knows. And yes, I struggle with this stuff as much as anyone. What can I say? Life is hard, dudes.
But I digress.
The purpose of this space is to tell stories. And I mean that in the broadest and truest sense of the word. This means other people's stories will be told, but my own will certainly come into play (as one inevitably informs the other). Posts will include, but will be not limited to, my thoughts on music, film, television, literature, current events and so on and so forth. Also: random things I find on the internet that scare me, because I'm a morbid bastard.
So come sit around the campfire. I'll tell you a story or two.
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